the prodigal shell

the prodigal shell 

Cystron, Oravax Medical slinked off into a Tel Aviv night with little discussion of the pill for covid without the courtesy of an 8k.

On November 23, 2021, Oravax incorporated a wholly-owned subsidiary in Israel, Oravax Medical Ltd., which is engaged in research and development. Effective January 1, 2022, Oravax transferred its rights and obligations under the Oravax License Agreement to Oravax Medical Ltd.

 Nadav Kidron, the (Oramed) Company’s President and Chief Executive Officer, was one of the former members of Cystron.

The quarter cost an unaudited $12 million to keep the lights on most of which was for equity compensation with a little thrown in for clinical trials and the quarterly promise of results.

A Board member could not remember whether and when he controlled a Tortolan Trust that bought 3's from him in a market bid at 9.

The Chairman did not stand for renomination
