the pump


Oramed, Mr Nadav Kidron CEO, has a pill for insulin and Covid with trials underway in South Africa and Israel. The results are promised in the fourth quarter of 2022 for markets claimed to be $200 billion in five years.

The World Health Organization has a database of the 370 Covid 19 vaccine candidates in trial around the world.  There is no evidence of Oramed's trials in the database. South Africa has detailed information on trial data Oramed would be welcome to file an 8k with the specifics of its trials and references in the databases. 

The Chairman of the Board, Mr Kevin Rakin, a South African quit in June 2022 after unloading shares at $20 and $9.

cystron again, the perpetual gift

At the height of pandemic panic in March 2020 Mr Kidron, Akers Biosciences, now MyMd, Premas Biotech, and HC Wainright conspired to create a shell company Cystron that promised a Covid 19 vaccine that raised $200 million from capital markets based on a license that Premas negotiated with itself.  

Akers Biosciences purchased Cystron for cash and 19.9 % of Akers shares 23 March 2020 the day before Mr Schreiber of Akers and Mr Kunndu of Premas held themselves out as arms length licensors rather than shareholders in common pursuit of the public trough. Mr Kidron did not disclose his shareholding in Cystron but did register to sell his shares May 2020 in an S3 filed by Akers for him, Premas Biotech, and the HC Wainright insiders to do so.

By August of 2020 Premas sacrificed 50 mice in an animal trial that was underwhelming. Akers tired of Cystron and  and in a blizzard of Novemebr 2020 agreements reverse merged with a Florida shell company MyMd to pursue cures for Alzheimers with a board purchased from Johns Hopkins. 

The Cystron cadaver and promise of a Covid 19 vaccine castaway into Oravax Medical now owned by Oramed, MyMd, Premas Biotech with shares set aside for unnamed others. Oramed disclosed Mr Kidrons interest in Cystron 360 days after the 8k was due now that Cytsron had come to rest on Oramed's balance sheet.

The business models of Oramed and MyMd have accumulated losses of over $200 million. Oramed claims to have enough cash for the next 18 months and has promised trial results in the next six months. Molecule development on average costs $500 million and takes seven years.  

The probablity of success is less than 15% according to the FDA

the pump

The promise of trials and data lifted all boats.   Oramed traded 16 million shares, twenty times average volume, on 7 July closing 40% higher in price.  MyMd traded 2.5 million shares, forty times average volume, on 7 July closing 40% higher in price. Warrants and options for insiders now tread slightly above the swell with a coming attraction of insider selling.
