
I won't be making any friends in the corporate suites

Carl Hiassen

The earnest pursuit of cures for disease is noble. 

The journey from prospecting for minerals in a Nevada desert in 2007, Chinese ownership 2015, to pursuit of oral insulin could be granted the benefits that come with doubts but granted nevertheless.

The corporate housekeeping included 14 amendments to a consulting agreement for a mother and son that ran the outfit. Option grants for a South African board member who would later sell 3s in a market bid at 9 to an offshore trust controlled by his spouse, and a curious pursuit of a Covid 19 vaccine that raised 170 million dollars from US capital markets that required a conspiracy of underwriters, global funds, and the consanguity of the supply chain.

The money started in Lichtenstein. Alpha Capital Anstalt was the reincarnation of an Austrian Bank that lent $450 million to Mr Phil Bennet of Refco who rolled losses forward to lay them off in public markets before the implosion. Mr Bennet earned an extended vacation from which he was sprung in 2021. The Austrian Bank was recapitalized by its parent in merging with an outfit  that earned its equity spiriting human and other resources out of East Germany when there was an East Germany.

That the Austrian Bank had a claim in the Refco bankruptcy was of no small contention. But that Alpha Capital has a laundry list of over 60 investments in microcap securities awaiting control of the board and management followed by the helium of public promise and dilution.

The actors stretch to the Clinton White House in the form of the Iroquois family of funds shepherded by Mr Joshua Silverman that along with a cast of suspects has become intimate with the SEC over time. Mr Silverman and the Taglich Brothers came to rest in the management of a medical device company Akers Biosciences with $190 million in accumulated losses and permanent residence as a defendant at the courthouse steps. 

The mundane became the sublime with a pandemic that promised financial salvation. The blizzard of paper that created shells housing sins of omission and commission raised $40 million promising a cure for Covid to a reverse merger casting the Covid shell into a Florida sunset while migrating to a cure for Alzheimers with an august Board purchased from the faculty at Johns Hopkins. 

The undisclosed conspirator at the virgin birth was the CEO of a Chinese owned company uniquely familiar with the Indian company that would negotiate the vaccine license with itself in ten days of March 2020 which was housed in a shell company named Cystron, another name for gene, with shareholders that included the underwriter and the Indian Company. Mr Kidron's anonymity would last one month until he wanted to sell the shares received from Akers as part of the bait and switch and Akers disclosed the selling shareholders.

Mr Kidron's Chinese owners declined to continue with $17 million of the $50 million promised which encouraged Mr Kidron into gymnastics that raised over $100 million promising a pill for Oral Insulin and Covid delivered in the mail and welcoming his previously owned undisclosed interest onto Orameds balance sheet.

Chairman Rakin sold 20s and 9s before not standing for renomination. 

Mr Kidron sold 20's which were replaced for free at the bottom of the hour.

The Chief Commercial officer sold 12's

The Placebo won in the Phase 3 trial for the insulin pill.

The vaccine trial is missing in action.

The market is 2 bid
